In the original document, the questions and answers appear together in paragraphs. The testimony is presented here split into questions and answers so it that it is easier to follow. All spelling, grammar, and spelling inconsistencies are in the original text. The document is said to contian the verbatim record of the witnesses’ testimony in the 1845 trial of those accused in the murder of Joseph Smith.

Thomas Barnes Sworn, and examined by Lamburn.

You was Cap. of the rangers at the time the Smiths where killed?

I was.

Was it A regular company?

No. what was the number of men at you command.

I do not now recolect I think 20 or thirty.

What was the name of the company?

The Rangers.

What was the object of that company?

The object of the company as I understoot [sic, understood] it was to go over the peraires [sic, prairies] and carry expresses from one point to another.

Was you in Town the morning of the day the Smiths was killed?

I was.

Did you see Sharp that morning?

I do not recolect.

Do you recolect of any arrangments being made on that morning between the Carthage Gras [sic, Grays] and the Mob?

I recolect of no such arrangments.

What time did you leave hear?

I think about three o clock in the after noon.

Had Sharp got in town before you left?

I think he was.

Was Alridg

I think he was.

Was Williams?

He was.

Was Grover?

I did not see him.

It was three oclock when you left town?

I think it was about that time.

You saw Williams scertain and these other two men?


Did they say any thing to you about going there to keep gaurd?

Not A word.

What was your object in going out on the prerairy [sic, prairie]?

It was intimated to me to watch that point of timber lest the Mormons should come and rescue the Smiths, we went to see if there was any strangers in the point of timber.

You did not leave town you are shure till after Williams came in town.

I am shure I saw them before we went from town.

Who sent you out there?

I sent out upon my own responsibility.

Did you not send in expresses to those me nen [sic, men] you left behind in town?

I did not.

After they came to town you went out?


Had there not been pledges given round among the captains to enter into A conspiracy to kill the Smiths?


(Lawer Browning stood up and objected to such A course of examination)

When you went into the perairy [sic, prairie] you saw these men Willson saw coming from Warsaw?

Yes I saw them.

You knew at that time Smith was in Jail?

I knew he was in custudoy I knew not that he was in Jail.

Do you know wether these men or any of them pledged themselves to the Govener or to the people that Smith should be protected while in custudy?

I do not know that either of these men made pledges, but I know pledges where made.

Your object in going out to the perairy [sic, prairie] was to see if there was any suspicious carracters in that neighborhood?


You saw three groops of men coming from Warsaw?

I beleive. Yes.

How long did you stay on the periary [sic, prairie] after you saw them?

I beleive we where [sic, were] letting our horses graze, I think pretty soon after. I do not know how long time we get on to our horses and made our way towards Carthage.

Where they coming in the direction of that timber?

I suposed they where [sic, were] on the Warsaw road.

How far apart where these companys traveling?

They apeared to be about A mile apart.

They looked like distinct?


How far where these men from you when you last saw them?

I only could see them A few minits.

When you saw them at that time how far where they from town?

about an equal distance with ourselves.

They where mostly on foot?

I should judge they where [sic, were].

You where [sic, were] on horse back?


Could they have come here and kill Smith, before you could have got here?


How far had they got off the straight distance?

About half an hour.

Where did you meet the information that the Smiths was killed?

We got it first from the Constable.

How far from the town

probably two miles and A half.

Did you ride any faster after you obtained the tidings that the Smiths where killed?

No we road along very slow all three of us.

Did you know of these companys coming up before you left town?

I did not.

You had no knowledge that there was A conspiracy on foot to kill the Smiths that evening?

I have told you all I know about it I had suposed scertain things, but my supose so is not going to hang these men.

Had you any information of that sort before you left town?

No Sir.

Have you told all you know about that transaction

Until the killing of the Smiths I beleive I have.

Have you heard any of these five men since the killing of the Smiths say they had no part in the conspiracy?


Did you see any of these men here when you came back?

I did not.

When you left you saw Williams and Sharp?


Who was Williams with when you saw him?

I am not able to answer I think he was in the North west corner of the squar.

Who was he talking with?

I don’t know.

Did you not see him talking with Morrison?


Did you talk any with him yourself?

I don’t recolect.

Did he talk any to the Cap. of the guard?

I do not know.

Was he talking to any body at all?

I do not know.

Was the Carthage Grays pledged to protect Smith from Violense.

(Mr. Browning arose and said it was an improper question to ask the wittness)

Mr. Browning for the Defence.

I will ask you wether it was not A usual thing for the rangers to go out every day?

It was usual for them to be out every day.

What time did they go out there?

Some times in the morning and some times in the afternoon.

Mr. Lamburn for the people

I would ask you wether it was or not usual for groops and companys of men to come from Warsaw?

Yes almost hourly.

As large groops as that coming from Warsaw that do?


How large A groop have you seen come in here?

I have seen three hundred, and daly groops of 8, 10, and 100.

Did you know what they where coming for?

I did not.
