In the original document, the questions and answers appear together in paragraphs. The testimony is presented here split into questions and answers so it that it is easier to follow. All spelling, grammar, and spelling inconsistencies are in the original text. The document is said to contian the verbatim record of the witnesses’ testimony in the 1845 trial of those accused in the murder of Joseph Smith.

Court met pursuant to adjournment

James L. Gill sworn.:

Where do you reside?

In Quincy.

Are you aquainted with A man by the name of Daniels?


Where did you become aquainted with him?

In Quincy.

Have you ever had any conversation with him about his being a witteness?

Yes about three times.

I will get you to state to the jury what Daniels said in relation to his being A witteness.

The first time he came to Quincy he said he came from Agusta I asked him if he had heard the reports of the killing of the Smiths he said he [k]new nothing about it and wished all the Mormons in this state were driven out after that I had not a great deal of talk with him till after he came from Nauvoo for after he had stoped (sic) there a while he came back and told me he had made A great speculation in writting A book I asked him what what (sic) kind of A book he told me he was going to write a book upon the proceedings as they happened in Carthage I said you told me you knew nothing about it but said he say nothing about it as soon as I can make speculation of some dollars I will make it I asked him if he had got any money he said no but he had got 100 dollars in trade I told him I thought he had not generall knowledge enough to write A Book he asked me why I thought that I said I know he was not A man of A very great figure for I had tried him he told me then that he had freinds to aid him he said he did not want to work hard and if he could get along without working he meant to do so. I showed him my hands and said I expected to work hard for my living. After that some time I proposed to go a hunting with him it was in the latter end of October or the first of November we went to hunt and on our travel he told me that he was to get 500 dollars if he could make out to swear against some people he also told me that there was A man in the city hotels that offered him 500 dollars.

Did he say who he was to swear against?

No. He said he did not know if he would take the money or not he said if he could raise it he would pocket the money and go away he said if he could receive it he did not care about any side he would put it in his pocket and leave them all. I told him he was getting into A curious buisness he said he did not know much about it now but he could get to know after a while. With this our conversation ended.

Cross examined by Mr. Lamborn.

When was it he told you about getting the 100 dollars?

It was after he came down from Nauvoo.

In what Mounth.

I think it was in the mounth of August.

What was he to get it for?

For writing A book.

Do you know when that Book of Daniel was written?

I never saw it.

He told you he had got the 100 dollars?

He did not say.

Did you not hear him say something about it here in this court the other day?

I did not notice.

Did he say he was to get 500 dollars for being A witteness?

He said he was going to get 500 dollars if he could swear against the Smiths.

Did he say if he could raise it he would not do it?

He said if he could raise the 500 dollars he would go to [N]ew York he would go there for he was born there.

Well did he get the money?

I don’t know you will have to ask himself I am not ajent [sic, agent] to him.

Did you speak to any one about it?


Did you ever tell it to any body?

I may have talked about it.

How came you to be hear as A witteness if you never talked about it to any body?

I wrote to Mr. Sharp in Warsaw.

Did Sharp give you 500 dollars for coming here?

No Sir.

When did you write to Sharp about it?

About one mounth ago.

Had you not been consulted about it before you wrote to Sharp?


What did you write to Sharp?

I could not recollect.

I suppose you wrote you would come up and swear for him?

I did not say I would come up and swear I said I would come and testefy.

Did no body talk to you about what you would swear for here?


You thought it was your duty to write to Sharp?


How did you come to know that Daniels was to be A witteness at all?

I knew he was indicted.

And you get nothing for coming here?

Not A cent Sir.

Who pays your expenses?

No one but myself.

I suppose you thought it right to kill Jo Smith?

I don’t think it right to kill any man.

What mad[e] you so peculiar ancious [sic, anxious] in volenteering your services [sic, services]?

I thought I was in duty bound to do so.

Daniels said he was not here in Carthage at at (sic) all?

Yes Sir he told me he had come from Augusta.

Did he say he was not at Carthage at the time the Smiths was killed?


Did he tell you he had been at Warsaw?


Did he tell you he was there on the morning of the day the Smiths was killed?


You say he did not say he was not at Carthage?


How long have you been in Quincy?

Better than two years.

Where did you live before you went to Quincy?

In Alton.

What part of Alton?

I lived in the upper town.
