Baer, Rosemary. Reflections on the Manson Trial: Journal of a Pseudo-Juror (Word Preess, 1972).

Bishop, George. Witness to Evil ( Nash Publishing, 1971).


Bugliosi, Vincent. Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders (W.W. Norton & Co., 1974. **


Faith, Karlene. The Long Prison Journey of Leslie Van Houton (Northeastern Univ. Press, 2001).


George, Edward. Taming the Beast: Charles Manson's Life Behind Bars (Griffin, 1999).


Gilmore, John and Kenner, Ron. Manson: The Unholy Trail of Charlie and Family ( Amok Books, 2000 ).


Graham, Virginia. Manson, Sinatra and Me: A Hollywood Party Girl's Memoir & How She Helped Vincent Bugliosi with the Helter Skelter Case (CCB Publishing, 2015)


King, Greg. Sharon Tate and the Manson Murders (Barricade Books, 2000).


Manson, Charles (as told to Nuel Emmons). Manson in His Own Words (Grove Press, 1988).


Sanders, Ed. The Family: The Story of Charles Manson's Dune Buggy Attack Battalion. (E.P. Dutton, 1971).

Udo, Tommy. Charles Manson (Sanctuary Pub., 2002)

Watson, Tex. Will You Die For Me? (Fleming H. Ravell Co., 1978).


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