"She admitted on the witness stand in this trial that she had perjured herself in the other case, In considering the evidence, you may consider not only her lack of virtue as admitted by her here, but also that she contradicted her previous testimony as perjured.

"Regarding Victoria Price, there has been evidence here that she also was a woman of easy virtue. There has been has been evidence tending to show that she gave false testimony about her movements and activities in Chattanooga. That evidence has not, except by her, been denied.

"If in your minds the conviction of this defendant depends on the testimony of Victoria Price and you are convinced she has not sworn truly about any material point, you could not convict this defendant . . ."

"Take the evidence, sift it out and find the truths and untruths and render your verdict. It will not be easy to keep your minds solely on the evidence. Much prejudice has crept into it. It has come not only from far away, but from here at home as well.

"I have done what I thought to be right as the judge of this court no matter what the personal cost to me might be . . ."

"There have been some statement in regard to whether or not some other person thinks this way or that, or whether or not public opinion is one way or the other.

"Gentlemen, that hasn't anything to do with it-- what outside opinion or public opinion is, or whether or not the ideas of somebody else may be one way or the other. No, gentlemen, we are not to consider that at any time.

"I know the juries of this county. I have been with them-- have been before them. They are sensible, reasonable, intelligent men. They do not go off on side issues, nor do they let petty prejudices enter into the trial of the case.

"You are not trying whether or not the defendant is white or black-- you are not trying that question; you are trying whether or not this defendant forcibly ravished a woman.

"You are not trying lawyers, you are not trying State lines; but you are here at home as jurors, a jury of your citizens under oath sitting in the jury box taking the evidence and considering it, leaving out any outside influences.

"Things may vex you. I might say that the court may have been vexed about a great many things. It may have been evident to you that a great many telegrams came in here to me since I have been here. But, gentlemen, they do not affect me whatever or the great principle which the court desires to see done, and that is to see justice done in this case. . ."

"Of course, gentlemen, we all love our land; that is a natural sentiment of all people. Not that we are narrow in it. Why, the man who lives in the mountains of Switzerland or on the coast of the Adriatic loves his land. It is a natural feeling and it is a fine thing for a man to do to love his native country.

"I might say that a great many of us, and I together with you, a great many of our forebears came here with the earliest settlers, and I happen to be descended from one who was the first that came down to this country. On both sides, as far back as I know, my people have always been a Southern people, and I have no desire to live anywhere else. I am getting old, and it is my home, my native land, and I want to see righteousness done and justice done, and we are going to uphold that name . . ."


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