The Political Beliefs of Anders Breivik

(Excerpts from an interview with himself from his 2083. A European Declaration of Independence.The interview is titled, "Interview with a Justiciar Knight Commander [Anders Breivik] of the PCCTS, Knights Templar")


Q: Today, Western Europe has never been wealthier and an overwhelming majority of Europeans live in prosperity with more freedoms than they have ever had. Are you afraid that people in general will view you as the enemy, as a threat to their prosperity and freedoms, as a threat to stability in Europe?

A: I can totally understand that most people will condemn people like us simply because they do not ”yet” understand what is going on. And even if they do understand our reasons they might disagree with our ”means”, thinking that democracy can solve this problem as well just like democracy have solved many of the challenges we have faced in the past. Europeans in general do not live in or close to Muslim ghettos or enclaves and those that did have chosen to move far away. The problem is that many people live in denial and are suffering from historical amnesia. They fail to identify or comprehend what the Western European governments are doing to Europe. Those that do are hesitant to resist through violent means.

While it is true that we currently enjoy wealth and many freedoms this will not be the case in 50 or 100 years. The Muslims in many parts of Europe will make up the majority within 2080. You must study the case of Lebanon and similar cases in order to comprehend what is going on. Lebanon was a Christian territory once with 80% Christians in 1911. Now, in today’s Lebanon, there are less than 25% Christians left. The Muslims won the war and Europe just let it happen. The remaining Christians live under harsh Dhimmitude and everyone in their right mind are attempting to flee the country. . . . Armed resistance is the only option we have left to save Europe from the same fate as Lebanon. . . .

Most people will today openly condemn us as terrorists. However, a hundred years from now we will be celebrated as pioneers, as heroes who gave their lives combating a tyrant oppressor.

Q: Let’s say that the democratic struggle to save Europe from ”Islamisation/ Islamic demographic warfare” has been lost and that armed resistance against the current establishment is the right way to go. How do you expect to seize power from the current Western European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes knowing that there are only a handful of you who are willing to die for the cause? Do you really expect to defeat all Western European governments seeing that they control absolutely everything; the media, national police forces, intelligence agencies, national militaries and have the full backing of NATO?

A: A complete strategy is listed in the book “2083” but I can try to summarise it for you. We see the struggle or the current Western European civil war if you will as a three stage struggle.

- Phase 1, 2009-2030

- Phase 2, 2030-2070 - Phase 3, 2070-2083

Obviously, we are not able to execute any coup d’état or effectively incite to revolution at this point (in phase 1). This was never the intention either.

Our only objective in this phase is to create awareness about the truth and contribute to consolidation/recruitment. The establishment of military and political reference points now will be of huge benefit especially further down the road.

The media have refused to forward our call the last decades. Instead they have systematically ridiculed and silenced us, labelling us as intolerant and racist bigots. Instead of respecting the will of the European people they have defiantly allowed even more Muslims to enter and defended the current development. Now they are even considering allowing Turkey into the EU. . . . If they allowed the Turkey to enter today and opened the borders to the Turkish Muslim hordes our armed resistance groups would experience thousands of new recruits instantly, ready to militarily secure our borders. . . .

Our existence and actions are a living proof that they have made peaceful change impossible and that they have therefore made violent resistance unavoidable. We are sending a potent message to the European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites; we are telling them that we know what they have done and what they continue to do, we are watching them and they will be punished for their crimes. We are coming for them. If not today then tomorrow. Cultural Marxists/multiculturalists in Oslo may be the target today, but cultural Marxists in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Milan or Madrid will be the target tomorrow. This war has just begun and we have no intention of acting prematurely. We know that time is on our side.

Unfortunately, spectacular operations like these are the only way to be heard. Everything else we have tried has failed and yielded nothing. The Muslims showed us that deadly shock attacks are the only tool we have at the moment which will guarantee that our voice is heard. By forcing them to acknowledge our presence and explaining our agenda to everyone we are making it very hard for the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist media establishment to ignore the call of the free people of Europe. The message is simple: “WE DO NOT WANT AND WILL NOT TOLERATE ISLAM IN EUROPE!” Any individual or organisation that actively supports or are participating (directly or indirectly as silent bystanders) in the Islamisation of Europe are flagged as valid targets, starting with the MA 100 political parties and media organisations themselves.

We have tried protest through dialogue for 50 years now and that approach has been a disaster for us. The phase of dialogue has now ended. . . .

There are no effective counter-measures against our phase 1 strategy. It is the most efficient way of modern warfare. We are going to win this war eventually no matter how they chose to act. If they comply with all our demands (and deport all Muslims from Europe) we will win. If they don’t, then Islam will bring us to power in phase 3 (2070-2083) when the Muslims reach 50%. At this point, the peoples of Europe will scream for any group or individual who can come and solve their problems…

As long as the threat of Islam increases annually in Europe with Muslim populations increasing with more than 1 million per year, increased ghettofication in combination with Muslim atrocities against Europeans – harassment, robberies, rapes and murders), there will be an increasing amount of willing recruits for conservative and/or for the European anti-Jihad movements and even die-hard organisations like the Knights Templar.

As long as the threat of Islam and dhimmitude increases in Europe we will see more and more indigenous liberation organisations like the Knights Templar. Even if we use brutal methods we will continue to retain all of our strategic advantages of mobility, invisibility, and legitimacy, in our own eyes and in the eyes of a good portion of the people.

Q: Some will claim that you are Christian fanatics, just as hateful and intolerant as Al Qaeda. How would you react to accusations like that?

A: The PCCTS, Knights Templar is a European indigenous rights movement and a Crusader movement (anti-Jihad movement), a part of the pan-European and national resistance movement. In a way it is a conservative revolutionary movement.

By propagating and defending Christendom we simply mean that we want to halt the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist attacks and systematic deconstruction on our Christian cultures and the Church itself and to reverse the de-Christianisation of Europe. The biggest threat to Europe is the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist political doctrine of ”extreme egalitarian emotionalism”. This type of political stance involves destroying Christendom, the Church, our European cultures and identities and opening up our borders to Islamic colonisation. The Islamisation of Europe is merely a ”secondary infection”. Western Europe has grown weak and decadent and will be completely annihilated culturally unless we succeed to implement a second European renaissance and reverse the damage done.

History has shown again and again that you cannot co-exist peacefully with Islam. The only thing you can do is to isolate it as our forefathers have done for the last 1400 years.

Jihadi Islamists are imperialistic aggressors who believe in armed global Jihad with the purpose of aggressively (or through Dawah) conquer the world and will not give up until all individuals have embraced Islam. We share none of these goals.

We on the other hand are a defensive military organisation who only seek to protect the peoples of Europe and our cultures from genocide. In order for us to effectively protect ourselves from Islam and Islamisation we must first defeat the Western European multiculturalist regimes who are facilitating the ongoing colonisation.

Q: If you were to coin a word for the ideology or movement you represent, what would it be?

A: Cultural conservatism or a nationalist/conservative direction known as the Vienna school of thought. As for the political movement; I would describe it as a National Resistance Movement, an Indigenous Rights Movement or perhaps a Conservative Revolutionary Movement.

Justiciar Knights are not an ideologically homogenous group. Many Justiciar Knight Commanders would probably reject some of my personal views as I would with theirs. Some are deeply Christian while some are Christian agnostics or even atheists. Some are individualists while others not so much so, some puritans. The primary factors that unites us is that we are all nationalists, anti-Marxist, anti-Islam(isation), we support indigenous rights and we are revolutionary, willing to martyr ourselves.

Q: Why aren’t you for freedom of religion where all religions are allowed to practice equally without hindering one another?

A: I think most people are. The trouble is, of course, that Islam by its very definition falls outside this category since it's a supremacist political ideology FIRST which SECONDLY has certain religious components.

Q: Why do you say you’re not fascists when you support the suspension of the constitution during a coup?

A: That’s a good question. First of all, the current multiculturalist regimes of Western Europe are not at all democratic. They haven’t been democratic since the 1950s. There is no basis for democracy when all state institutions including schools, universities deliberately use advanced brainwashing techniques (as described earlier) to condition the people from resisting their own annihilation through the implementation of cultural Marxism/multiculturalist doctrines. Furthermore, there is no basis for democracy when 99% of all journalists support and propagate multiculturalism. There is no basis for democracy when all patriots and nationalists are ignored, ridiculed or persecuted. Factors such as these and many more have resulted in the Marxist tyranny we live under today. The political and cultural elites are deliberately selling their own people into Islamic slavery by allowing demographical warfare.

As Thomas Jefferson once stated;

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. . . .”

Refreshing the tree is now long overdue as our countries are in a rapid state of disintegration. Our intention is to refresh the tree of liberty, and obviously not to cut it down. Refreshing the tree of liberty involves a coup supported by a significant portion of European patriots. Many of us will have to sacrifice our life for the cause in order to destroy the tyrants of our time. It is impossible to guarantee a democratically sanctioned coup as we have to keep in mind that Europeans have been brainwashed now for two generations. Many will oppose us for our stance and call us fascist. Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge and understand that we are not.

All coups involve the temporary suspension of the constitution. Thomas Jefferson himself knew that. However, the goal of the coup is as I said not to chop down the tree of liberty but to refresh it.

A fascist opposes the democratical concept altogether and wants a permanent one party state, while we do NOT want this. In order to secure democracy we are forced to imbue and strengthen it from its current downward spiral towards the abyss. This can only be achieved through a temporary suspension of the constitution.

The constitution will only be suspended for a limited time, until we have had the opportunity to implement at least some of our principles. These principles can’t even be openly discussed at this point in time due to the paralyzing effects of political correctness. . . .

Q: Some people will claim that you are just another Nazi fascist disguised with anti-Muslim rhetoric. Is that true?

A: That is ridiculous Marxist propaganda. If that was true, then why am I working on a weekly basis with fellow Indian, Jewish, Chilean intellectuals to preserve true, long term democracy, to ensure that the will of the people is respected? Why do we champion Israel’s cause when no one else is? Why do we propagate a military campaign, a military Crusade to assist our eastern Christians brothers – the Semitic Copts, Maronites, Assyrians? Why would we do this when they are not even considered “white”?

The old definitions do not apply anymore. The current internationalist elites (cultural Marxists, suicidal humanists, globalists) are the Nazis of our age and deliberately collaborating with the Muslims. They are the Quislings who are trying to transfer political powers from our sovereign nations to a foreign political entity. . .

Q: Considering the fact that you may be willing to fight alongside so called neo-Nazis against cultural Marxists under extreme circumstances, doesn’t that make you a neo-Nazi or a neo-Nazi sympathiser?

A: First of all, I don’t consider 70-80% of so called neo-Nazis to be actual Nazis, but rather misguided individuals. I believe many of these youngsters have made an unfortunate mistake by being drawn to the Nazi symbols due to lack of alternatives and because it is the strongest and most well-known anti-Marxist banner. But I don’t believe the majority of so called neo-Nazis really support the slaughtering and genocide of all Jews, a one party state and an imperialistic policy of conquest. I believe they are just bewildered nationalists in search for uniting factors. In their frustration they have chosen the most despicable banner available as a way of saying a big “fuck you” to the current establishment. But I am well aware that 20-30% of them really hates Jews and support most aspects of national-socialism. This shouldn’t be tolerated and we shouldn’t sympathise with them whatsoever. Driven by their Jew hate, these Nazis are willing to take side with Muslims in order to accomplish their goals. They are absolutely blinded by this hate . . . .

Let it be perfectly clear. The PCCTS, Knights Templar oppose National Socialism and we do not seek cooperation with them. We see National Socialism as a hate-ideology as it is genocidal and imperialistic in nature. However, we don’t have many potential allies. . . .

Q: If your National government had been very restrictive in regards to conserving identity, culture and halted Islamic immigration completely would you still have engaged in operations against them?

A: If my country was on the forefront for ”delaying” Islamisation it would obviously be counter-productive to launch attacks against that particular regime first. Norway is perhaps the most suicidal of all Western European countries today. We are on the forefront in the propagation of ”self-annihilation” policies such as dialogue and appeasement toward Islam. The country has also created a tradition to use the Nobel Peace Prize as a tool for Islamic appeasement efforts. I have no moral reservations whatsoever against participating or leading military operations against Norwegian Category A and B traitors as it is the most basic of human rights to defend your people against genocide. . . .

Q: “Racist, Nazi, Fascist, Homophobe, Islamophobe” How do you react to the “cultural Marxist/multiculturalist” labelling techniques, or psychological warfare if you will?

A: These are typical EUSSR cultural Marxist/multiculturalist labelling techniques. According to them, anyone who attempts to criticise multiculturalism are racists, intolerant bigots, angry, underprivileged males etc.

The thinking seems to be that there are only two versions of Europeans. If you do not support multiculturalism 100% you are a Nazi. You’re also a fascist pig, a racist, a homophobe – in other words a sub-human. This attitude betrays an all-pervasive hatred that demonises absolutely anything Europeans do to protect their dignity, culture and heritage. Multiculturalism is an anti-European hate ideology. As such, they are the Nazis of our time, not us.

I consider myself to be an anti-racist, anti-fascist and anti-Nazi. That’s the main reason why I oppose Cultural Communism/European multiculturalism. THEY are the Nazis, they are the fascists and they are the racists! I have witnessed much racism in my time but 90% of it has been against Europeans. I have actually never been called a racist, fascist or Nazi before personally but I know it is the preferable tactic of the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist establishment to silence the masses. . . .

Q: Why do you think it has come to this?

. . . .Multiculturalists have cultivated a culture of victimhood in the West, where you gain political power and media attention through your status in the victim hierarchy. In many ways, this is what Political Correctness is all about. . . .

Q: Why sacrifice your own life for something that might not end up as you project? And why would you be willing to sacrifice your life for others? Why don’t you just chose the easy way, live the easy life, conform and enjoy all benefits of modern society offered under the current regimes?

A: This is exactly what my family and friends have implored me to do for years now. They have pressured me and I must admit I have been somewhat ridden by guilt in this regard. At the same time I know what has to be done. . . .

Most of the people I know are either cowards or apathetic hypocrites. They know exactly what is going on but many of them don’t care at all, because they know that they will be dead before phase 3. I don’t want to judge them too harshly considering the fact that I used to be an apathetic hypocrite myself. After all, we are all victims in a way as we have been indoctrinated for decades by the multiculturalist system. However, everyone living near a capital or a major European city is witnessing the current developments. They don’t care because it doesn’t concern them yet. Standing up for their beliefs will involve suffering. They are deliberately avoiding that for as long as possible.

It has always been very tempting to just go with the flow, sticking your head in the sand and deal with problems as they arise. Having passed the age of 30, I’m now in a situation where I have to decide whether I want to get married and start a family. I can choose to live a normal life if I want to, just like my friends are doing. Get a cute girlfriend, get married, have kids, continue my career and earn 50 000-60 000+ Euro per year. The problem as I see it is that I truly fear for the future of Europe. How can I procreate knowing that we are heading for cultural suicide? By being a silent bystander to this I will be as guilty as our corrupt elites. How could I silently watch while Islamic demographic warfare is being waged against our societies, diminishing our numbers and the influence over our very own lives? I feel compelled to act, even though I know that very few will dare to become one of the pioneers, one of the first martyrs in Phase 1. . . .