George W. Gray testifying for the prosecution on the charge of murder

     I am in the military service of the United States; in the 7th Indiana Calvary, Company B.

   Q. How long have you been in the service?

   A. In my last term two years and one month; I was taken to Andersonville on the 10th of June, 1864, and remained until November.

     About the last of August I made my escape from Andersonville, and was overtaken by a lot of hounds; before the catch-dog could get at me I took a tree. After I took the tree the hounds circled around and barked until the catch-dog came up; when the catch-dog came up some Johnnies came up also, and demanded that I should come down. I told them to tie that dog and I would come down, but not before. They said they would tie one of the other dogs. I said no, that they should tie up the catch-dog; they tied him and I came down. The hounds did not touch me. I knew they would not--for the reason that I used to catch niggers myself with them, and so knew all about them. I was brought back to Andersonville prison and taken to Wirz's quarters. I was ordered by him to be put in the stocks, where I remained for four days, with my feet placed in a block and another lever placed over my legs, with my arms thrown back, and a chain running across my arms. I remained four days there in the sun; that was my punishment for trying to get away from the prison. At the same time a young man was placed in the stocks--the third man from me. He died there. He was a little sick when he went in, and he died there. I do not know his name; if I heard it, I have forgotten it. I am certain he died. The negroes took him out of the stocks after he was dead, threw him into the wagon, and hauled him away.

   Q. Do you know anything about the prisoner (Wirz) having shot a prisoner of war there at any time?

   A. He shot a young fellow named William Stewart, a private belonging to the 9th Minnesota Infantry. He and I went out of the stockade with a dead body, and after laying the dead body in the dead-house Captain Wirz rode up to us and asked by what authority we were out there or what we were doing there. Stewart said we were there by proper authority. Wirz said no more, but drew a revolver and shot the man. After he was killed the guard took from the body about twenty or thirty dollars, and Wirz took the money from the guard and rode off, telling the guard to take me to prison.

   Q. Are you sure about that?

   A. If I was not I would not speak it.

   Q. By whose orders did you come out with the dead body?

   A. It was my determination--I don't know whether it was Stewart's or not--to get away again. For that reason we went out. We begged for the dead body.

   Q. Do you know whether that was the time Lieutenant Davis had something to do with the prison?

   A. I recollect now that Lieutenant Davis ordered the sergeants of each detachment to detail men to carry out of the stockade the dead bodies of men belonging to that detachment.

   Q. State what Captain Wirz had in his hand when he shot the soldier.

   A. He had a revolver; whether a navy pistol or not I don't know; it was a large pistol.

   Q. How near was he to him?

   A. About eight feet from him, I think.

   Q. Where did the ball take effect in your comrade?

   A. In the breast. He died right there where he was shot.

   Q. Were you at the time attempting to make your escape?

   A. No, sir; but it was my intention if I could , to do so. I was not attempting it at that time, nor was Stewart.

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