1. Decision of Joseph Smith to Surrender to Illinois Authorities (Port Madison, Iowa, June 24, 1844)
From the Journal of Willard Richards, based on the reports of followers of Smith present with him in his last days
Joseph Smith then said to the company who were with him, "I am going like a lamb to the slaughter, but I am as calm as a summer's morning. I have a consciences void of an offense toward God and toward all men. If they take my life, I shall die an innocent man, and my blood shall cry from the ground for vengeance, and it shall be said of me, 'He was murdered in cold blood!'"
2. Letter to Joseph Smith Assuring Him of the the Governor's Protection (June 24, 1844)
CARTHAGE, 5 o'clock p.m.
General Joseph Smith:
I...will add, from an interview with Governor Ford, you can, with the utmost safety, rely on his protection, and that you will have as an impartial an investigation as can be expected from those opposed to you. The excitement is much allayed, and your opponents (those who wish to make capital out of you) do not want you to come to Carthage....
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
3. Joseph and Hyrum Smith Ordered to Jail (June 25, 1844)
The people of the State of Illinois to the the keeper of the jail of [Hancock] County, Greeting,
Whereas Joseph and Hyrum Smith, of the county aforesaid, have been arrested on the oath of Augustine Spencer and Henry O. Norton, for the crime of treason, and have been brought before me as a justice of the peace in and for of said county, for trial at the seat of justice thereof, which trial has been necessarily postponed by reason of the absence of material witnesses--to wit, Francis M. Higbee and others. Therefore I command you, in the name of the people, to receive the said Joseph and Hyrum Smith into your custody in the jail of county aforesaid, there to remain until discharged by the due course of law.
Letter of Joseph Smith to Governor Ford in Response to the Governor's June 22 Letter (June 22, 1844)
Report of Abraham C. Hodge (The Smiths plan to flee to the West)(June 22, 1844)
Account of Arrest and Imprisonment of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, by Willard Richards (June 22-25, 1844)
Letter from Joseph Smith to Governor Ford: Offer to Surrender (June 23, 1844)
Warrant for Arrest of Joseph Smith on the Charge of Treason (June 25, 1844)
Order of Judge R. F. Smith, Sending the Smiths to Jail (June 25, 1844)
Elder John Taylor Confronts Governor Ford About Broken Promises (June 25, 1844)