Warrant for Inquest:
Constable of Fulton Township ordered to assemble 6 persons to inquire into the death of Robert Newsom
(25 June 1855)
Inquest Verdict of Jury
(25 June 1855)
(Newsom was struck twice in the head by a stick or a club “by his own negro woman named Celia”).
Affidavit of testimony of David Newsom
(25 June 1855)
(Newsom has cause to suspect and believe that Celia, a slave of Robert Newsom, “feloniously and willfully” struck him with a club or some other weapon and mortally wounded him).
Arrest Warrant:
Constable of Fulton County ordered to bring Celia before the Justices of the Peace to answer the complaint against her
(25 June 1855).
Sworn statements of testimony before the Justices of the Peace (25 June 1855)
William F. Powell (neighbor)
James C. Wainscott (victim’s grandson)
True Bill
(August 1855).
Jury instructions proposed by the defense.
Per notations on the side, most were refused (9 October 1855).
Jury instructions proposed by the prosecution
(9 October 1855).
Defendant is guilty of murder in the first degree
Motion to Set Aside Verdict and Grant New Trial
(11 October 1855).
Supreme Court Order denying Celia’s petition for a stay of execution pending appeal
(14 December 1855).
Bill of Costs
(15 April 1856).