The Latin Library: The Verrine Orations in Latin
Cicero and the Art of Dispositio: The Structure of the Verrines
[by Kathryn L. Tempest of Roehampton University]
Divination (The Speech Against Caecilius)(Yonge public domain translation)
[Perseus site of Tufts University]
The First Oration Against Verres (Yonge public domain translation)
[Perseus site of Tufts University]
The Second Pleading Against Verres (Yonge public domain translation)
[Perseus site of Tufts University]
Frank Hewitt Cowles, Gaius Verres: An Historical Study
(A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University)
(Cornell, 1917)
L. H. G. Greenwood (translator), Cicero: The Verrine Orations (in two volumes)
(Loeb Classical Library, 1928)
Thomas D. Frazel, "The Composition and Circulation of Cicero's In Verrem,"
Classical Quarterly 54.1 128-142 (2004)
A. H. J. Greenidge, The Legal Procedure of Cicero's Time
(Oxford, 1901)
Anthony Everitt, Cicero: The Life and Times of Rome's Greatest Politician
(Random House, 2003)
Michael Alexander, Trials in the Late Roman Republic, 149 BC to 50 BC
(Univ.of Toronto, 1990)
Walter B. Gunnison and Walter S. Harley (editors), Marcus Tullius Cicero: Seven Orations
(Silver, Burdett & Co., 1912)