The Charles Guiteau Trial
(February 3, 1882)
Judge Cox asked of Guiteau, whether there were any reason why sentence should not be pronounced.
Charles Guiteau: "I am not guilty of the charge set forth in the indictment. It was God's act, not mine, and God will take care of it, and don't let the American people forget it. He will take care of it and every officer of the Government, from the Executive down to the Marshall, taking in every man on that jury and every member of this bench will pay for it, and the American nation will roll in blood if my body goes into the ground and I am hung."
Judge Cox: "One cannot doubt, that you understood the nature and consequences of your crime or that you had the moral capacity to recognize its iniquity. Your own wretched sophistry, not inspiration overcame the promptings of conscience. Any error of mine, may be appealed to the supreme court of the District sitting in banc. At the moment, however, it is my duty to pronounce the sentence of the law that you be taken to the common jail of the District, from whence you came, and be kept in confinement, and on Friday, the 30th of June, 1882, you will be taken to the place prepared for the execution, within the walls of said jail, and there, between the hours of 12 M and 2 P.M., you be hanged by the neck until you are dead. And may the Lord have mercy on your soul."
Charles Guiteau: "And may God have mercy on your soul, I had rather stand where I am than where the jury does or where your Honor does.... I am not afraid to die... I know where I stand on this business. I am here as God's man and don't you forget it. God Almighty will curse every man who has had anything to do with this act."