
Famous Trials Index
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"The Court Scene" from the Amistad. Murals by Hale Woodruff (1939) (Talladega College)
"The Death of Socrates" (painting by Jacques Louis David, 1787).
Clarence Darrow questions William Jennings Bryan during the Scopes Trial (1925).
Hermann Goering testifies in the Major War Criminals Trial in Nuremberg (1946).
Examination of a Witch" by Thompkins Matteson, 1853. (Suspect being examined for "witch's marks"
in Salem in 1692.)
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Trial of Socrates (399 B.C.)

Trial of Socrates (399 B.C.)

Gaius Verres Trial (70 B.C.)

Gaius Verres Trial (70 B.C.)

Trial of Jesus (30 A. D.)

Trial of Jesus
(30 A. D.)

Medieval Trials (897 to 1386)

Medieval Trials
(897 to 1386)

Trial of Joan of Arc (1431)

Trial of Joan of Arc (1431)

Trial of Gilles de Rais (1440)

Trial of Gilles de Rais (1440)

Martin Luther Trial (1521)

Martin Luther Trial (1521)

Thomas More Trial (1535)

Thomas More Trial (1535)

Trials of Giordano Bruno (1592-1600)

Trials of Giordano Bruno (1592-1600)

Gunpowder Plot Trial (1606)

Gunpowder Plot Trial (1606)

Trial of Galileo (1633)

Trial of Galileo (1633)

Trial of Anne Hutchinson (1637)

Trial of Anne Hutchinson (1637)

Mary Dyer Trials (1659-60)

Mary Dyer Trials (1659-60)

Salem Witchcraft Trials (1692)

Salem Witchcraft Trials (1692)

John Peter Zenger Trial (1735)

John Peter Zenger Trial (1735)

"New York Plot" Trials (1741)

"New York Plot" Trials (1741)

Boston Massacre Trials (1770)

Boston Massacre Trials (1770)

Mutiny on the Bounty Court-Martial (1792)

Mutiny on the Bounty Court-Martial (1792)

Burr Conspiracy Trial (1807)

Burr Conspiracy Trial (1807)

Turner (Slave Revolt) Trials (1831)

Turner (Slave Revolt) Trials (1831)

Amistad Trials (1839-1840)

Amistad Trials (1839-1840)

Carthage (Joseph Smith Murder)  Trial (1845)

Carthage (Joseph Smith Murder) Trial (1845)

The Dred Scott Trials  (1847-1856)

The Dred Scott Trials (1847-1856)

Burns Trial (1854)

Burns Trial (1854)

Celia, A Slave Trial (1855)

Celia, A Slave Trial (1855)

John Brown Trial (1859)

John Brown Trial (1859)

Dakota Conflict Trials (1862)

Dakota Conflict Trials (1862)

Lincoln Conspiracy Trial (1865)

Lincoln Conspiracy Trial (1865)

Andersonville Prison Trial (1865)

Andersonville Prison Trial (1865)

Johnson Impeachment (1868)

Johnson Impeachment (1868)

Susan Anthony Trial (1873)

Susan Anthony Trial (1873)

Mountain Meadows Massacre (1875-76)

Mountain Meadows Massacre (1875-76)

Molly Maguire Trials (1876-77)

Molly Maguire Trials (1876-77)

Earp (O.K. Corral) Trial (1881)

Earp (O.K. Corral) Trial (1881)

Charles Guiteau Trial (1881-82)

Charles Guiteau Trial (1881-82)

Louis Riel Trial (1885)

Louis Riel Trial (1885)

Haymarket Trial (1886)

Haymarket Trial (1886)

Lizzie Borden Trial (1893)

Lizzie Borden Trial (1893)

Dreyfus Affair Court-Martial (1894)

Dreyfus Affair Court-Martial (1894)

Three Trials of Oscar Wilde (1895)

Three Trials of Oscar Wilde (1895)

Bill Haywood Trial (1907)

Bill Haywood Trial (1907)

Thaw (White Murder) Trials (1907-08)

Thaw (White Murder) Trials (1907-08)

Sheriff Shipp Trial (1907-09)

Sheriff Shipp Trial (1907-09)

Triangle Fire Trial (1911)

Triangle Fire Trial (1911)

Leo Frank Trial (1913)

Leo Frank Trial (1913)

Sacco-Vanzetti Trial (1921)

Sacco-Vanzetti Trial (1921)

Black Sox Trial (1921)

Black Sox Trial (1921)

Adolf Hitler (Putsch) Trial (1924)

Adolf Hitler (Putsch) Trial (1924)

Leopold and Loeb Trial (1924)

Leopold and Loeb Trial (1924)

D. C. Stephenson Trial (1924)

D. C. Stephenson Trial (1924)

Scopes "Monkey" Trial (1925)

Scopes "Monkey" Trial (1925)

Sweet Trials (1925 & 1926)

Sweet Trials (1925 & 1926)

Osage Murder Trials (1926-29)

Osage Murder Trials (1926-29)

Al Capone Trial (1931)

Al Capone Trial (1931)

Massie Trials (1931 & 1932)

Massie Trials (1931 & 1932)

"Scottsboro Boys" Trials (1931-1937)

"Scottsboro Boys" Trials (1931-1937)

The Ulysses Trials (1933)

The Ulysses Trials (1933)

Hauptmann (Lindbergh) Trial (1935)

Hauptmann (Lindbergh) Trial (1935)

Trial of the Nazi Saboteurs (1942)

Trial of the Nazi Saboteurs (1942)

Korematsu Trial (1942-1944)

Korematsu Trial (1942-1944)

Nuremberg Trials (1945-49)

Nuremberg Trials (1945-49)

Tokyo War Crimes Trial (1946-48)

Tokyo War Crimes Trial (1946-48)

Alger Hiss Trials (1949-50)

Alger Hiss Trials (1949-50)

Brown v Topeka Board of Ed. (1951)

Brown v Topeka Board of Ed. (1951)

Rosenberg  Trial (1951)

Rosenberg Trial (1951)

Oppenheimer Security Hearing (1954)

Oppenheimer Security Hearing (1954)

Sam Sheppard Trials (1954 & 66)

Sam Sheppard Trials (1954 & 66)

Emmett Till Murder Trial (1955)

Emmett Till Murder Trial (1955)

Confidential Magazine Trial (1957)

Confidential Magazine Trial (1957)

Nelson Mandela Trial  (1963-64)

Nelson Mandela Trial (1963-64)

Lenny Bruce Trial (1964)

Lenny Bruce Trial (1964)

Mississippi Burning Trial (1967)

Mississippi Burning Trial (1967)

"The Chicago Eight" Trial (1969 - 1970)

"The Chicago Eight" Trial (1969 - 1970)

My Lai Courts Martial (1970)

My Lai Courts Martial (1970)

Charles Manson Trial (1970-71)

Charles Manson Trial (1970-71)

Pentagon Papers (Ellsberg) Trial (1973)

Pentagon Papers (Ellsberg) Trial (1973)

Patty Hearst Trial (1976)

Patty Hearst Trial (1976)

Leonard Peltier Trial (1977)

Leonard Peltier Trial (1977)

Dan White Trial (1979)

Dan White Trial (1979)

Chamberlain "Dingo" Trial (1982)

Chamberlain "Dingo" Trial (1982)

John Hinckley, Jr. Trial (1982)

John Hinckley, Jr. Trial (1982)

Falwell v Flynt Trial (1984)

Falwell v Flynt Trial (1984)

Bernhard Goetz Trial (1987)

Bernhard Goetz Trial (1987)

McMartin Preschool Trial (1987-90)

McMartin Preschool Trial (1987-90)

LAPD (King Beating) Trial (1992)

LAPD (King Beating) Trial (1992)

Ruby Ridge (Weaver) Trial (1993)

Ruby Ridge (Weaver) Trial (1993)

West Memphis Three Trials (1994)

West Memphis Three Trials (1994)

O. J. Simpson Trial (1995)

O. J. Simpson Trial (1995)

Okla City Bombing Trial (1997)

Okla City Bombing Trial (1997)

Dr. Kevorkian Trial (1999)

Dr. Kevorkian Trial (1999)

Clinton Impeachment  Trial (1999)

Clinton Impeachment Trial (1999)

Laramie (Shepard Murder)  Trials (1999)

Laramie (Shepard Murder) Trials (1999)

Moussaoui (9/11) Trial (2006)

Moussaoui (9/11) Trial (2006)

Enron (Lay & Skilling) Trial (2006)

Enron (Lay & Skilling) Trial (2006)

Trial of Amanda Knox (2009)

Trial of Amanda Knox (2009)

Breivik (Norway Massacre) Trial (2012)

Breivik (Norway Massacre) Trial (2012)

Zimmerman (Trayvon Martin) Trial 2013

Zimmerman (Trayvon Martin) Trial 2013

Animal Rights Trials (2013-19)

Animal Rights Trials (2013-19)

George Floyd Murder (Chauvin) Trial (2021)

George Floyd Murder (Chauvin) Trial (2021)

Trump (Hush Money) Trial (2024)

Trump (Hush Money) Trial (2024)

November 12, 1934 Charles Manson is born in Cincinnati, the illegitimate son of a sixteen-year-old girl named Kathleen Maddox. His father, who Manson never met, was a "Colonel Scott" from Ashland, Kentucky.
1939 Manson's mother, a heavy drinker, is sentenced to prison for armed robbery.
1947 Manson's mother tries to send Charles to a foster home. A court orders him sent to the Gibault School for Boys in Terre Haute, Indiana.
1948 Manson commits his first known crime, the burglary of a grocery store. He is caught and sent to a juvenile detention center. He escapes and commits two armed robberies. Apprehended again, Manson is sent to the Indiana School for Boys in Plainfield, where he spends the next three years--except for brief periods of freedom during eighteen escapes.
1951 Manson escapes from the School for Boys and heads west in a stolen car, burglarizing 15 to 20 gas stations along the way. He is caught in Utah and sent to the National Training School for Boys in Washington, D. C. A psychiatrist calls Manson a "slick" but "extremely sensitive" boy.
1952 In his last act of criminal violence before the 1969 murders, Manson sodomizes a boy while holding a razor to his throat. He is transferred to Federal Reformatory at Petersburg, Virginia. Later in 1952, Manson is moved to a more secure reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio.
1955 Manson marries Rosalie Willis, a waitress from Wheeling. The couple produces a child, Charles, Jr. Manson works as a parking-lot attendant and busboy--and steals cars. In October, he is arrested for auto theft and sentenced to five years probation
1956 Manson is sentenced to three years imprisonment at San Pedro, California for violating the terms of his 1955 probation.
1958 Manson is divorced. His ex-wife retains custody of their child. Manson is released on parole and becomes a pimp in southern California.
1959 Manson is arrested for forging a treasury check. He is given a ten-year suspended sentence.
1960 In January, Manson marries again--this time, a nineteen-year-old. In April, he is indicted on federal Mann Act charges. He is arrested in Laredo, and brought back to California where is ordered to prison to serve the ten-year sentence that had been suspended in 1959.
1961 Manson is transferred to a federal penitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington. He claims to be a Scientologist. Prison psychiatrists say he has "deep-seated personality problems."
1963 After fathering a second child, Charles Luther Manson, Manson is again divorced.
1964 Manson becomes obsessed by the music of the Beatles. He learns to play a steel guitar.
1966 Manson aspires to be a song writer, and devotes most of his spare time in prison to the task.
March 21, 1967 Manson asks prison officials to let him remain in prison, but having completed a ten-year prison term, he is released. He heads for San Francisco.
Summer 1968 Manson and a number of his followers, now called "The Family," move into Spahn ranch in southern California.
December 1968 The Beatles release their White Album, which proves to be a great influence Manson's thinking.
March 23, 1969 Manson visits 10050 Cielo Drive (the Tate residence) looking for Terry Melcher, who he hoped might publish his music. Tate's photographer curtly tells Manson to leave by "the back alley," possibly supplying a motive for the later attack at the Tate home.
July 31, 1969 A music teacher named Gary Hinman is stabbed to death. On the wall near the body, in Hinman's blood, was printed "political piggy."
August 8, 1969 Manson tells Family members, "Now is the time for Helter Skelter." That evening he tells Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, Tex Watson, and Linda Kasabian to get knives and changes of clothes. As he sends them from the ranch on their mission, he tells them "to leave a sign --something witchy." Watson drives to the Tate residence.
August 9, 1969 Shortly after midnight, the brutal attack on residents at the Tate residence begins. In all, 102 stab wounds are inflicted on four victims; a fifth victim is shot. Left dead are actress Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski, Abigail Folger, and Steven Parent. The murders are discovered by housekeeper Winifred Chapman the next morning. The four Family members return to Spahn ranch, where Manson criticizes them for doing a messy job. That night, Manson, along with Patricia Krenwinkel, Tex Watson, Leslie Van Houten, Linda Kasabian cruise around, looking for potential victims.
August 10, 1969 In the early morning hours, Family members stab to death Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. The words "Death to Pigs" and "Healter [sic] Skelter" are found printed on a wall and a refrigerator door.
September 1, 1969 Under a bush near his home, a ten-year-old boy finds the gun used in the Tate murders. The boy's father turns the gun over to the LAPD. The LAPD fails to do a proper investigation.
October 12, 1969 Manson is arrested at Barker Ranch in Death Valley and charged with grand theft auto. He is put in jail in Independence.
November 6, 1969 While incarcerated in Los Angeles on other charges, Susan Atkins tells a fellow inmate, Virginia Castro (Graham), that she participated in the Tate murders. She tells Castro of a "death list" of celebrities targeted by the Family, including Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Tom Jones, Steve McQueen, and Frank Sinatra.
November 12, 1969 Al Springer, a visitor to the Spahn ranch, tells LAPD detectives that on August 11 or 12 Charles Manson had bragged about "knocking off five" pigs the other night.
November 17, 1969 Danny DeCarlo implicates Manson in the Spahn ranch murder of Shorty Shea, and also suggests that persons at the Spahn ranch might also have been responsible for the Tate murders--but, he tells detectives, he would be afraid to testify.
November 18, 1969 Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi is assigned the Tate-LaBianca case.
July 24, 1970 The Tate-LaBianca murder trial, with defendants Charles Manson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten, opens in Los Angeles.
August 10, 1970 Judge Older grants Linda Kasabian immunity from prosecution for the Tate-LaBianca murders in return for agreeing to appear as the prosecution's star witness at the Manson trial.
November 16, 1970 The state rests its case in the Manson trial.
November 19, 1970 The defense announces, without having presented any evidence, that it also rests.
November 20, 1970 Manson announces that he wishes to testify. He makes a strange statement, saying "The children that come at you with knives are your children. You taught them. I didn't teach them. I just tried to help them stand up...." On cross-examination, Bugliosi asks Manson if he thinks he is Jesus Christ.
November 30, 1970 Defense attorney Ronald Hughes fails to show up in court. He is never seen again, leading to speculation he was murdered by The Family.
January 15, 1971 Vincent Bugliosi presents the prosecution's closing argument in the Manson trial.
January 25, 1971 The jury convicts all Tate-LaBianca defendants of first-degree murder.
March 29, 1971 Concluding the penalty phase of the trial, the jury fixes the penalty as death for all four Tate-LaBianca defendants.
April 19, 1971 Judge Older sentences Manson to death. Manson is ordered sent to San Quenton's death row.
October 1971 Charles "Tex" Watson is convicted on seven counts of first-degree murder.
February 18, 1972 The California Supreme Court declares the death penalty unconstitutional and Manson's sentence is automatically reduced to life in prison.
October 1972 Manson is transferred to Folsom Prison.
May 1976 Manson is sent to Vacaville prison, where he remains for the next nine years.
September 25, 1984 Another inmate, claiming "God told me to kill Manson," sets Manson on fire, causing serious burns on large parts of his body.
July 1985 Manson is transferred to San Quentin Prison
1988 In a televised interview with Geraldo Rivera, Manson warns, "I'm going to chop up more of you m-----f----ers. I'm going to kill as many of you as I can. I'm going to pile you up to the sky."
March 1989 Manson is transferred to Corcoran Prison.
1994 The house at 10050 Cielo Drive, formerly rented by Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski, is demolished.
March 1997 Manson is denied parole (for the ninth time) in a hearing broadcast live on Court TV. Manson responds by saying, "That's cool....I'm not saying I wasn't involved [in Helter Skelter]. I'm just saying that I did not break God's law....Thank you."
April 2002 Manson is refused parole for the tenth time at a hearing he refused to attend.
May 23, 2007 Manson is refused parole for the eleventh time. Manson, now 72, will next be up for parole in 2012.
July 15, 2008 The parole board denies Susan Atkin's request, based on the fact that she has terminal brain cancer and only months to live, for a compassionate release. Atkins will now almost certainly die in prison.
September 24, 2009 Atkins dies. Her husband releases the following statement: "Susan passed away peacefully surrounded by friends and loved ones...Her last whispered word was 'Amen.' No one on the face of the Earth worked as hard as Susan did to right an unrightable wrong."
November 19, 2017 Charles Manson dies at age 83 in a Kern County, California hospital of natural causes.