Excerpt from the Record of the Examination of "John Johnson" (Guy Fawkes) on November 5, 1605



Transcript of extract from the examination of Guy Fawkes ("‘John Johnson"), November 5, 1605 (SP 14/216/6)

D. He saith, that he knows not but by generall report and by making ready of the kings barge, that the king was coming thither the first day of this parliament, But confesseth that his purpose was to have blowne upp the upper house whensoever the king was there.

E. And being demanded if his purpose had taken effect, what would have ben done with the Queenes Majesty and her royall issue, saith that if they hadd ben there he wuld not have helped them,

F. And being demanded if the king and his royall issue had ben all taken away whom would have ben published or elected king, Saith Percie never entered into that consultation.

G. And being demanded when the king, his royal issue, the Nobles, Bishops, Judge, and of the principall of the Comons, were all destroyed what government would have ben, Answereth we were not growne to any determination therein, and beeing but a fewe of them the could not enter into such conforsation, but that the people of themselves would decide a head.

H. He confesseth that he hath knowne Mr Percy two or three years but served him not, but about three moneths before the house was hired as is aforesaid, I. Being demanded what noble men were warned, that they would not be there at that time, Answereth, wuld durst not forewarn them for feare wich should be discovered , And being asked why he would be a partie to any acte that might destroy any that was of his owne relligion, Answereth. 

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